Gary Stokan, CEO and president of Peach Bowl, Inc., Discusses the Possibility of a UGA Peach Bowl Playoff Appearance!

Talking to a lot of people, when you look at 8 of the top ten in this week’s poll being Big 10 and SEC teams, you know…the SEC and Big 10 Commissioners start to talk about, hey, you know we…we know the conference championships make us a lot of money, but are we precluding some of our teams of getting either buys or, you know, getting it guaranteed spots in the playoffs, so I think all that kind of talk and all those kind of learnings will take place over this year for sure, since it’s the first year of the CFP 12 team playoff, and then I think next year they’ll do the same thing and then they’ll decide in in what will be the playoff in the new contracts and starting in ‘26 because we still have these last two years of the original contracts, and then in ‘26, we’ll have that new playoff. 


ATLANTA – Gary Stokan, CEO and president of Peach Bowl, Inc., drops by “The Locker Room” to talk up the latest College Football Playoff Rankings, give the latest news about the Chick-Fil-A Peach Bowl, and looks at the possibility of a UGA / Miami match up for the game!

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